For this project we were challenged with applying parametric design to the casting and mold making process. I found this uniquely challenging, however I decided to focus on natural mathematical phenomena to center my project around. I decided early on that I wanted to use the Fibonacci sequence, found in countless natural shapes and growth patterns, and eventually decided I wanted to create my own parametric spin on the nautilus, which is found in various animal shells and flowers.
Fibonacci sequence:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ...
Process 1 / 3 - Modeling
The initial design process of this model was difficult because of Grasshopper's learning curve. I tried using various other online source codes for building my model, but none of them did exactly what I wanted. None of them were parametric 'enough' for me. Most of them simply used the Fibonacci sequence object built into grasshopper, made it 3D, and then built a logarithmic defined shell around the curve.
For my project, I wanted as much of the object as possible to be defined in some way by the Fibonacci sequence. For this I decided I wanted the height, width, and even resolution to be based on the sequence of numbers. I started as with other examples, with the simple Fib object, which spits out numbers in the proper sequence, and tied it to a curve rotating around a center point. Then I moved that curve up along the Y axis with an adjustable multiple of the original sequence.
Base Curve |
Next, along this curve, I placed perpendicular frames, which I later defined as circles. Through a complex series of calculations, I based the width on a multiple of the sequence, but adjusted it along a 4 point curve using the mapper function, scaled between the maximum and minimum values. I tried it without scaling, but it didn't look as appealing. The number of cross sections is completely adjustable, as well as the non linear scaling.
Cross Sections |
Along each of those cross sections, I placed polygon curves, with the number of polygons, and the number of faces per polygon, based on the Fib sequence. The largest ring would have a number of polygons equal to one of the higher numbers in the sequence(34), but a number of sides equal to the lowest (3). The result is layers of polygon curves which get less dense, but higher resolution, as they approach the peak of the structure.
Circumscribed Polygons |
The final step was to loft each of these circumscribed polygons to create intersecting pipes. This required some adjustment of the radius of the polygons, which ended up being a similar curve to the one used for the radius of the cross section rings. Everything was fine tuned and adjusted to create a solid mass with each "ring" intersecting enough to print and cast as a solid object.
Loft and complete script |
Along the way I had several iterations, and a very interesting accidental model I chose to save for possibly a future printing project.
Iteration 1 |
Iteration 2 |
Iteration 3 |
Iteration 4 |
Oops - Grafting the loft data? |
Final Iteration |
Process 2 / 3 - Printing
The 3D printing process isn't something I usually deal with, but grasshopper ended up being such a hurtle that I wasn't going to have enough time to print from Shapeways, so I borrowed a friends Monoprice Select Mini, which is a $200 3D printer, and tried to print it myself. This also turned out to be a serious learning experience, with finding proper layer height, getting proper bed adhesion, building an enclosure for an otherwise open air printer, and eventually developing a method for getting semi-successful prints. I wasn't the happiest with my final print, but it worked fine for the casting process. It was sealed with Rust-Oleum Triple thick glaze spray-on clear coat.
Failed test print (filament got caught) |
Learning about skits vs rafts |
First Success! |
Built an enclosure |
Trying it out full sized |
Added a blanket to keep in more warmth |
Support material broke off, but eventually self corrected |
It was a mess, but 12 hours later it finished |
Self correcting support material |
Even with all the glue, the interior support didn't stay down |
Final Prints |
Process 3 / 3 - Molding and Casting
I decided to try and cast both the interior and exterior of my print, so I could save on casting material, and have a more exact copy. It worked out, after a small amount of trial and error (I ruined a couple molds, but hey, you live and you learn). The final casts are full shell shapes, with unique interior and exterior forms. I also cast the small print for good measure.
First cast, of the small print |
The Molding mess. Using a bucket of water to hold my model down, in an attempt to repair a mold. |
Iterations, getting better at measuring material for just the shell. |
More iterations |
Final Collection |
Makes a nice cup |
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