My line-up, and evolution, of the Deacon, sculpt
Monday, December 5, 2022
Wood Lorin - Week 16 Project: Pepakura
Taking the digital model and thoroughly distorting it in Rhino for the sake of visual interest. I stretched out the neck, elongated the base and head, and gave a slight tilt. The final cardboard output was measured to be nearly four feet.
The final build to be sealed and painted
This process was actually the most challenging, ironically. The process is very much like building a puzzle. Once the layout was completed in the Pepakura software, the time-consuming challenge came about bending and twisting the cardboard cutouts into unnatural contortions (many times pulling the glued sections apart. Regardless, the final result is very imposing and was thoroughly gratifying.
Wood Lorin - Week 15 Project: Serial Slicing
The second iteration of the deacon sculpt is serial slicing in cardboard and upscaling the model to around 16 inches.
Once the understructure was completed it was taped up and then mummified in a coating of plaster and gesso, respectively, in preparation for the final painting and detailing.The final result was unintentionally influenced by Star Trek: First Contact which was playing in the background. The Borg subconsciously influenced the final detailing of sculpt.
Erik DeFries: Week 16A - Polygonal Sculpt
After using my Alien head for the serial slicing, I opted to use my Torso piece for the polygonal sculpt: for balance and whatnot.The turnaround time on this piece was... intense, to say the least. I arrived back in Dallas at midnight on Monday, November 28th (home for the first time since the 14th) and was originally intended to present the finished sculpture that very same day. Looking back, I still don't know how I would have managed the logistics differently: I don't think this sculpture would have fit back into my carry-on luggage anyway, even if I had found a laser-cutter or machine shop open in the quiet mountain town of Estes Park, Colorado.
C'est la vie.
Safely home, I set to work.
Erik DeFries: Week 12 - Serial Slicing and Rigid Shell Construction
Grace Denner: Week 15 Pepakura
Grace Denner: Week 8 Tree Stump
The Model:
I took the original tree stump mimic model into Rhino for this final composition and stretched and twisted it. I lowered the polygon count to give it a geometric look. I put movement into the piece by pushing the tree's shape, almost turning it as if it were looking over its shoulder. Once completed, I took it into Pepakura and, using the program there, "cut" the tree into origami-like pieces. Then, I arranged them into more 24"x48" rectangles to be laser cut onto the same-sized cardboard.
The assembly process was quite simple. The numbered sides correlated with each seam that needed to be attached. Using more Loctite Super Glue, I followed the guideline as one would do with origami. While the glue dried, I used masking tape to cover every seam on the tree. I ultimately ended up with a polygonal cardboard tree that stood over three feet tall.
The Composition:
The goal for this final composition was to bring more life to the tree stump mimic while reducing its lifelessness through the lower polygon count. By turning it and forcing it to look over its shoulder, the tree becomes more human, adding to the mimic quality of the original design. The tree has to look over its shoulder implies it is aware of some unseen danger; perhaps the thing that cut the tree down initially has come back to finish the job.