I named this series "Ideology." As ideology always silences the voice of all but itself, this composition shows a hand in each sculpture that tries to silence the voices of diverse opinions. The initial idea was derived from the revolution that occurred in Iran that brought the voice of Iranian women to the ears of the world. The voice that was silenced for more than 40 years. Now women are shouting it by setting their scarves on fire, going in the streets without head covers, and cutting their hair to demonstrate disobedience toward mandatory hijab. The idea of showing hair as a tool for expression led to the idea of adding different hairs to imply diverse thoughts. So, I added hair with a distinct personality to the molded copies.
The silence of Iranian women was a silence whose breaking has cost the lives of dozens of children and teenagers and hundreds of other innocents. With the intensification of the Islamic regime's violence in Iran, committing mass murder, attacking girls' high schools, beating students, and killing them, I felt more anger than before. I tried to express this anger by adding a fist to the third statue's hair. Today, anger is the most powerful emotion that Iranians feel towards oppression, and they use it to liberate themselves and achieve freedom. So, I added anger to the collection.
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