Thursday, March 31, 2016

Great Tutorial Over Using Syphon To Link Processing and MadMapper

Syphon allows the user to directly send the output of a Processing Sketch into MadMapper, or equivalent program. It only exists for Mac. Here’s how to get it working.

Click this link to view the tutorial

Monday, March 21, 2016

Assignment 04: Projection Mapping Proposal

For this project, I scouted 2 locations in the Arts and Technology (ATEC) building and used a previous location from my trip to Europe with my grandmother during summer 2006 (nearly 10 years ago).

Gamer Steps (ATEC Lobby):
Concept - The ATEC program offers courses in video game development and, thus, consists of many "gamers". I wanted to create a space where students could play side scroller video games against one another. The game I chose for this was Super Mario Bros due to the availability of the full side scroller level maps.

Original Image -

Sphere within a Sphere:
Concept - 

Original Image -

The "Presidential Rule":
Concept -  

Original Image -

Philip Barker: Assignment 4

As I was on my trip in Seattle I decided that it would be a good opportunity to find locations for this project. Seattle has an array of buildings and public areas that could benefit from this type of art form.

This space is the Indie Game Revolution exhibit at the EMP Museum in Seattle. When walking into this space I was amazed by this sculpture. The lighting and the layout were really cool but I felt the sculpture was lacking. The sculpture was designed to give the sense of a pixelated world but the sculpture is static. 

This is part of the outside for the EMP Museum. The building itself it one large structure with multiple designs. The craziness of the buildings design gave me a sense of opposites. The left side is metallic organic and the right a glossy curve made of rectangles.

For my final location I decided to use the Founders building near the plinth. I was hoping to find a third location in Seattle but ended getting too wrapped up in my trip. Each time I would walk through the plinth I would see founders glowing panels and a group of people dancing inside. I would see the LED on the extended panels and would think that they were pulsing. In fact on closer inspection they were solid. This time the panels were not glowing.


Ayaz Ismail: Projection Propsals

The concept I had in my mind through out this entire project was lights. I wanted to explore light decoration because the essence of "lighting" matters in a interior and exterior architecture. These three art works can be replicated in real time. It can be used for ambience and design purposes.

I used Mad Mapper and Module 8 for this project. I especially used the soft edge function for blending purposes.

Wedding Decoration & Projection

After exploring what projection mapping is I have different approach when I go to my gigs now. Stage decoration in weddings are very essential. The clients spend $2000 plus to get an elegant stage. I was thinking why not add elements of projection mapping. Therefore, I came up with this idea:

Studio Concept:

Recording studios can be illuminated with various lighting. I personally like recording at night time. It's just the perspective of your thinking process. It would be unique, if we changed our studio walls according to music. In other words, projection on your studio walls according to the genre of music.

Brooklyn Bridge:

I was in  New York last year and I visited Brooklyn Bridge. It looks beautiful when the sun goes down. If we could add lights on the bridge reflecting that on the big building and have the people walk over it. The design of this came to me by 


Bill Watts - Mock Ups - Assignment 4

Projection Mapping Mock Ups from Bill Watts on Vimeo.
In developing my themes for these nine mock ups, I found myself looking through the variety of rig calisthenics videos I have created over the years to demonstrate various rig capabilities. This led me to the idea of progression, and the glitchy issues that inevitably pop up over the course of intensely studying any subject.
In selecting my locations, I took a stroll around the UTD campus looking for corners. I found myself particularly drawn to locations with natural framing elements like flower beds and doors. Symmetry plays a strong role in much of my 3D work and influenced my choice of locations. 

Here I will be describing my thoughts behind each composition.
1) Experienced Opposed – The projection surrounding the elevators is a recording of me doing some shading, which I am not particularly skilled at. The floor shows the growth of a node network over the course of rigging some lips, which I feel far more comfortable doing. I perceive a certain neutrality in the piece as the levels of familiarity equalize the piece.
2) Digital Anthropology – Physical anthropology refers to the development of a human over the long term. This piece is somewhat representative of my own development. The elevator doors have calisthenics of old rigs, while the center is a more recent rig being progressively broken.
3) Summer Dreams – This piece uses footage created over the summer in the ReelFx summer studio course. The film ’Snatch’ shown on the center wall has been data moshed to break up the originally intended smoothness of the film in favor of corruption. The jerky, rough movements of this composition remind me of the production process of the summer shorts.
4) Mish-Smash – The initial thinking behind this piece was the idea of even though we walk in opposite directions, we end up in the same place. That place just happens to be rather chaotic. I found a loading bay at the Founders West Annex to have excellent corners. The marching figures are crowd simulation tests I did in Houdini.
5) Progression – The footage on the walls of the building is a comparison of a bird rig I did years ago and one made recently. The progression between the two becomes apparent almost immediately. The distortion of the eagle and floor was created with the Modul8 transformer functionality.
6) Alpha Defined – This experiment uses transparency to only project movement and color on the wall without the clutter of a background. It works, but could be more effective in a more interesting location. The theme of this piece is wander, but watch the fall.
7) Gypsum Break – I found Modul8 also to be effective for real-time photo manipulation. In this location, I played with a couple different masking layouts. The thinking behind this piece is downward flow in the flower beds. With some processing(middle bed), anything can be anything.
8) Compounding Factors is the result of a realization that even though I can’t use .gifs in Modul8, they work perfectly fine in MadMapper. These data moshed clips are the definition of progression as bits of previous frames stick around to change the resulting composition.
9) Achy-Breaky – A combination of noise and text from Maya form the cradle of windows into broken and distorted geometry. As in Compounding Factors, the flower beds form frames or windows.

Sarah Larson - Assignment 4 Projection proposals

Proposed Locations:

Second floor ATEC

DMA digital library

ATEC 4th floor classroom

Concept: I created three different presets for three different locations in order to experiment with different textures and abstract motions. Locations include two in the ATEC building and the Edith O'Donnell Institute digital library in the Dallas Museum of Art. The first example is the pillar on the second floor of the ATEC building near where artwork is hung. I wanted to create a complementary visual experience for viewers by incorporating red motion, green texture, and a multitude of color motion. The digital library has a dynamic gathering space next to a translucent wall and mirrored ceiling. For this, I wanted to play with the concept of waiting, as if it was a waiting room. Here I slowed down the visuals, of ink dropping into water and the black dot graphic weaving through space. The rainbow abstract was a highlight for me, since it echoes the Gabriel Dawe rainbow thread installation on display at our ATEC's Edith O'Donnell Institute of Art History. The final concept is for one of the ATEC 4th floor art rooms. Here I'm working with the concept of concentration. The rooms themselves have already been designed to inspire creativity with high ceilings and natural lighting, so I'm playing off those details with abstract geometric motion projections onto one section of the wall. These projections are aimed at not distracting, but aiding in creativity. Because of the limited nature of my skills in MadMapper, my process was simple: mask and simple edits like color and speed. Output was recorded with Syphon.

Below is a compilation video of all nine projection concepts.

Projection Mapping concepts from Sarah Larson on Vimeo.

3 projection mapping ideas for 3 different locations.

Projection Mapping Proposals_Nathaniel Propp

Projection Proposal

For this project we were exploring processes to effectively communicate projection mapping ideas to potential clients. Utilizing tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Modul8, and MadMapper, I created a series of different potential proposals that exemplify my ability to prototype out projection ideas and content.


The first step for this process was to scout out interesting areas of space. After exploring and collecting photos, I selected out the shots that I thought would be interesting to work with.

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD 1)

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD2)

Perot Museum Dallas Texas(Perot)

The next step in the process was masking out elements to bring them to the foreground. This gives the viewer a more realistic representation of how the projections will blend in to the actual space.

UTD1 Mask1
UTD1 Mask2


UTD2 Mask1

UTD2 Mask2
UTD2 Mask3


Perot Mask1

Perot Mask2

Using Photoshop I selected out these elements to bring to the foreground, I saved them as .png files as they are alpha enabled (transparency).

I then compiled all the photos and masks into MadMapper. Using the the geometry within MadMapper I begain building up the projection space.  I learned from past projects that is is important  able to keep the uv's clean and organized as you work.




After I organized all the layers and had all the space mapped out. I began searching for content. I was able to utilize Modul8 to help me combine and manipulate a lot of the content I found. Using Syphon I was then able to either directly input into MadMapper, or use the Syphon Recorder to record the content from Modul8.

UTD1 Proposals 1-3

UTD1.1 Concept - The Journey


UTD1.2 Concept - Where Are You From
-Students text in the city, state/country they are from and it charts and generates statistic driven visuals


UTD1.3 Concept - The Data Driven Brain Storm


UTD2 Propsals 4-6

UTD2.1 Concept - Building Perspective
Play on words.


UTD2,2 Concept - Deconstruct 


UTD2.3 Concept - Progressive Thinking 


PEROT Proposal 6-9

Perot.1 Concept - Nature
In tribute to the Perot being a museum of  nature and science 


Perot.2 Concept- Measure 
Attempted to attack the science side of the "nature and science" by using different content that displays measurements. The center piece is a mosh of different measurement data. 


Perot.3 Concept - Combination 
An abstract attempt at combining nature and science.
