Sunday, March 20, 2016

Chun-Yi Wu: Assignment4 - Mapping Proposal

Concept and Process
    For this project I took some photographs in ATC building and do some fine editing in Photoshop for some small detail layering, then heading myself in to understanding how to work on After Effects.
    The photograph I have been use as the base are all in ATC building, the idea is to take the image that we always pass through our always ignore in the daily life.

    As a new user to the After Effect many unknow problem comes up, such as the layering system, which  is totally different control if compare with Photoshop. After all, I have done some basic render video contents for one third of this assignment. The idea of the first set of assignment is "weather." Snow, Shower, Fog...etc In the video contents I have combine the basic partial effect to each video and convert them with digital, then my scene is done, very basic but also interesting if keep focus on top of it.
EX: Fog

The second and third video contents are not made by my own but download some open source video and the main idea for these two are abstract and clouds movement, they are really basic idea but once I have change the RGB color from the original video scene, it become something we wont be thinking about.

Finishing Piece
    In this three shot I have use the weather as the base and continue added some pixels on the side or on the main frame for identify that we this is Art & Technology, we begins with pixels and continue making something greater than just pixels.


1 comment:

  1. change the video settings on youtube. they are set to private.
