Monday, March 21, 2016

Projection Mapping Proposals_Nathaniel Propp

Projection Proposal

For this project we were exploring processes to effectively communicate projection mapping ideas to potential clients. Utilizing tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Modul8, and MadMapper, I created a series of different potential proposals that exemplify my ability to prototype out projection ideas and content.


The first step for this process was to scout out interesting areas of space. After exploring and collecting photos, I selected out the shots that I thought would be interesting to work with.

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD 1)

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD2)

Perot Museum Dallas Texas(Perot)

The next step in the process was masking out elements to bring them to the foreground. This gives the viewer a more realistic representation of how the projections will blend in to the actual space.

UTD1 Mask1
UTD1 Mask2


UTD2 Mask1

UTD2 Mask2
UTD2 Mask3


Perot Mask1

Perot Mask2

Using Photoshop I selected out these elements to bring to the foreground, I saved them as .png files as they are alpha enabled (transparency).

I then compiled all the photos and masks into MadMapper. Using the the geometry within MadMapper I begain building up the projection space.  I learned from past projects that is is important  able to keep the uv's clean and organized as you work.




After I organized all the layers and had all the space mapped out. I began searching for content. I was able to utilize Modul8 to help me combine and manipulate a lot of the content I found. Using Syphon I was then able to either directly input into MadMapper, or use the Syphon Recorder to record the content from Modul8.

UTD1 Proposals 1-3

UTD1.1 Concept - The Journey


UTD1.2 Concept - Where Are You From
-Students text in the city, state/country they are from and it charts and generates statistic driven visuals


UTD1.3 Concept - The Data Driven Brain Storm


UTD2 Propsals 4-6

UTD2.1 Concept - Building Perspective
Play on words.


UTD2,2 Concept - Deconstruct 


UTD2.3 Concept - Progressive Thinking 


PEROT Proposal 6-9

Perot.1 Concept - Nature
In tribute to the Perot being a museum of  nature and science 


Perot.2 Concept- Measure 
Attempted to attack the science side of the "nature and science" by using different content that displays measurements. The center piece is a mosh of different measurement data. 


Perot.3 Concept - Combination 
An abstract attempt at combining nature and science.


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