Thursday, December 8, 2016

ATEC 6389 Weeks 12-14 (Vic Simon)

Weeks 12-14 Armature Studies / Volume Construction

Weeks 12 - 14 Blog                                                                 

Task: Pick one of the two AlienArtist models and prepare PepaKura (Planar Armature Studies) using several of the Software tools in preparation for Laser Cutting, and final construction

Process: Serial Slice

Tools: MudBox, Maya, Rhino, and yet another new piece of software, PepaKura Designer!, ProfScott tutorials, help from ProfScott and Tutors!

BTW, this survey course gave me the opportunity to complete 4 course on 3D software tools - Mudbox 2013, Mudbox 2016, Rhino and 'TheBeast', herself, Maya 2017!

Back to the computer. The pepakura planar process was a 'BearBeast' compared to the fairly simple straightforward serial study process!

I got extensive help from ProfScott & Tutor Michael, in trying to come up with a low-poly version of my Alien Artist relief 3D geometry. From back to Mudbox for mesh reducing, Maya for re-meshing, hours of manual manipulation of points, edges & faces in Maya. Using Rhino throughout.

Finally into Pepakura Designer for unfolding, organization and layout.

Proud of myself for watching all the tutorials three times and actually doing the Pepa MarkUp to standards with no outside tutoring, help or assistance!

Brought in into to PepaRon, and he decided he was gonna PepaFy and RonOPtimize my Papa files.
And he did, Who AM I to question the PepaMeister himself?

Thanks Ron for all that rework & RonOptimization !!!!!!!!

He squeezed 3 plates into 2. Amazing!

(Please make the edge number font bigger next time for Ol'Uns. 15 pt almost caused me to go blind!!!!!)

Here was my 'hot of the laser cutter' pepa pieces. Oh the smell of burnt cardboard in the evening.

Sorry, Fracis Ford Copolla and "Apocalypse Now".

My "Apocalypse Now" was the 12-15 hour marathon putting this jigsaw puzzle together!

Somewhere I had an image of my two "PepaPincer" thumbs and for-fingers in an 'OK' gesture!

BTW, that Loctite glue from Lowe's was worthless. MUST USE Loctite PRO !!!! (Like Prof directed)

Hours & Hours ( and Papa-Pincers later)
Finally went to latex gloves (I'm such a weenie)

Getting' close. Ron (after the fact) told me I shouldn't have attached the first row to the back. Yep.

OMG, this was hard to connect!!

But finally (with burnished silver Spray paint) Thanks Lowes! (and MissLionEss!!)

SwappO PepaKura!!

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