Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 10-Serial Slicing-Franciscus Von Rex

Francis Eyth.

Week 10 Serial Slicing

I have continued to refine my idea as, without a clear and concise artist statement, most people tell me my conceptual basis is a stretch. Therefore, I modeled Von-Rex coming up out of an iPhone to make meanings within my work more visually explicit.

 Ghosted polygon mesh, next to yellow serial slices. 

Due to the asymmetrical nature of my model, I had to take an extra step in order to ensure proper registration for the applicable slices of my sculpture which is highlighted in the following screenshots below.  
Here you see where I had to engrave the slices on top of ones that only have one registration mark.
For example, this slice (86):
Will be engraved on top of this one (85):
This way I can ensure that I am placing the previous slice onto this one in the correct location for these kind of slices. 

Serial Sheet of the Sliced Model.


Model with various materials rendered out of KeyShot.

Mo Murphy (MOSS) - Midterm - ATEC 6389

The idea for my first sculpture "Monster" came from an illustration I did in 2010 when I was in high school. The drawing being provocative and phallic in nature ended up getting me into a lot of trouble at the time. I consider this drawing and experience as a critical point in my artistic development as I challenged social norms and what was to be considered 'acceptable art' in a small town highschool setting.
Original "Monster" 2010

I really wanted to push myself with the level of detail in my sculpt and I decided to use ZBrush 47R as my primary modeling software.

Masking half of the model to reshape the other half
Used ZRemesher Plugin continually to retopologize the model
Masked thumbnail on model, extruded using move tool
Refining detail texturing using masking and alp
Full Detail Sculpt

Relief Sculpture: "Artifact" represents a magical talisman used as a key to open gateways to other dimensions.
Roughing out the underlining face form
Detail Texturing using masking options and various alpha channels

Mold Making/Casting:
Vents applied to 3D Print Model 9.5in tall

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Serial Sliced Sculpture - Andrew Ward

So taking the sculpt I made some render inside Keyshot

After this I created contours inside of Rhino

Laying out the curves in preparation to bring them to get laser cut. A little tedious but enjoyable with music in the background!

Cuts put into Keyshot

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Wajiha Desai - Hooded Woman - Serial Sliced Model

This process really helped me get a better grasp of Rhino and its abilities. I learned through many trial and errors, and playing around with settings. 

Using the "Contour" command, I converted my model into curves and sliced them with a distance of .23. After the model was converted to curves, I "Extruded" it with the distance of .23, creating a "sliced" look for the model
Since my model was quite large (15.6 in.), it took up 5 sheets. By contouring, I was able to create sheets for laser printing. When a slice had more than one curve, I labeled it with text (red) indicating which side of  the model it belongs on. The cyan square is a reference for the sheets that will be laser cut. I used two .23 in. dowel holes (blue) for my model.
Keynote Render 01
Keynote Render 02
Keynote Renders 03, 04, 05

Serial Armature Study - Part 1 - Thulasi

I only had to trim the curves of layers where the eyeballs intersected with the outer layer. Due to trimming, there were small untrimmed left-over curves. So, extrusion process didn't work on those areas. I had to zoom in really close to the curves to trim those left-overs. My scaled model is 16 inches so I used up to 4 sheets.

The keyshot renders: