Week 10 Serial Slicing
I have continued to refine my idea as, without a clear and concise artist statement, most people tell me my conceptual basis is a stretch. Therefore, I modeled Von-Rex coming up out of an iPhone to make meanings within my work more visually explicit.
Ghosted polygon mesh, next to yellow serial slices.
Due to the asymmetrical nature of my model, I had to take an extra step in order to ensure proper registration for the applicable slices of my sculpture which is highlighted in the following screenshots below.
Here you see where I had to engrave the slices on top of ones that only have one registration mark.
For example, this slice (86):
Will be engraved on top of this one (85):
This way I can ensure that I am placing the previous slice onto this one in the correct location for these kind of slices.
Model with various materials rendered out of KeyShot.